Culp's Hill |
This area is the location of the Twelfth Corps signal station
as documented on the Bachelder Maps. [Map of the Battle of Gettysburg, Office
of the Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army, Boston, John H. Bachelder, 1876, Plate
3] Although Maj. Gen. Henry W. Slocum was the Commanding General of the
Twelfth Corps at the time of the battle, he had been appointed Right Wing
Commander and had in turn appointed Brig. Gen. Alpheus S. Williams as the
temporary commander of the corps. On 2 July, Slocum still considered himself
Wing Commander, and brought Williams to Meade's Council of War that evening as
the Corps Commander. The signal station located at this site supported
Williams' Twelfth Corps headquarters and the station on Power's Hill supported
Slocum as the Wing Commander. [O.R., XXVII, Part I, p. 760.] The following
message shows intelligence received by signal observation being provided to
the Twelfth Corps. This message may have been sent by flag signal or by
Headquarters Army of the Potomac July 2, 1863 - 5.30
Commanding Officer Twelfth Corps:
The signal officer reports that a heavy column of infantry is moving
round to the right, and in front of Slocum's corps. By command of
Major-General Meade.
S. Williams Assistant Adjutant-General
Part III, p. 489]
Now return to your automobile and drive to STOP 6
Continue down the hill and take SLOCUM AVENUE until you reach
BALTIMORE PIKE. Turn RIGHT and proceed to STEINWEHR AVENUE. Turn left and
return to the CYCLORAMA CENTER parking lot. Looking just south of the
CYCLORAMA CENTER, you can see the equestrian statue of MAJ. GEN. MEADE. Walk
to a point halfway between the statue and the small white house which is
MEADE'S HEADQUARTERS. This is the approximate location of the signal station
which supported Meade