The exact site of the Elk Mountain Signal Station is not known.
This location affords a view of Washington Monument and Crampton Gap stations.
The various stations in the valley to the left are obscured by timber. A
picture of the Elk Mountain Signal Station Battle of Antietam, appears in
Volume 8 of The Photographic History of the Civil War. This particular
tower was not used by Briggs in that he mentions in his report that he built
one. However, it is a good example of a hastily constructed signal tower.
Report of Lieut. Ephraim A. Briggs, Acting Signal Officer, Washington Reserve
Signal Party.
In compliance with an order received this morning to
make an official report of all duty performed by me as acting signal officer
of the Washington Reserve Signal Corps since the 6th instant, I submit the
At 5 p.m. of the 6th instant, I received orders to be prepared to leave
camp with the party going to the front for active duty in the field.
At 8 p.m., the 6th instant, said party left camp, Georgetown, D.C.,
proceeding toward Frederick, riding all night, arriving at Frederick, Md., 5
p.m. of the 7th instant, when I was ordered to proceed toward South mountain
without delay, in company with Capt. N. Daniels. We proceeded to South
Mountain, opening signal station on the Washington Monument at 9 a.m. of the
8th instant, the heavy rain falling all night preventing its being sooner
By order of Captain Daniels, I proceeded to Elk Mountain to open signal
station communicating with one on Washington Monument. Arriving at Elk
Mountain 11 a.m., I opened station, and called Monument until 1 P.M.; had no
reply; atmosphere was clear. I saw the enemy's pickets within 2 miles of
this point. At 2.30 P.M., commenced and called Monument all the afternoon,
excepting from 4 p.m. until 5.30 p.m., without receiving reply; 4 p.m.
received the following message by orderly;
To Signal Officer:
Ascertain and send immediate report whether the
rebels are in Sharpsburg or Keedysville. Their evident intention is to take
Sharpsburg. Make report in writing, and send by orderly.
A. B. Jerome, First Lieutenant, and Acting Assistant Signal Officer.
At 4.15 p.m. sent following answer:
Lieutenant Jerome:
I can see no signs of enemy occupying Sharpsburg or
Keedysville. Their cavalry were in both places this morning, I am informed
by reliable citizens.
If you can communicate with Washington Monument, tell them to answer my
E. A. Briggs First Lieutenant, and Acting Signal Officer.
At 9 p.m. returned to Boonsborough, and procured rations and forage for
my men and animals, oil, etc.
At 10-30 a.m., received following by orderly:
Lieutenant Briggs:
Proceed to station on Elk Ridge, which you occupied
last night, and communicate with station one-half mile northeast of
Boonsborough. If you cannot see that station, communicate with the Monument.
Nicodemus, Captain, Signal Officer.
July 9. The day smoky; not able to do anything.
July 10. - Called the Monument from 8.30 a.m. an hour and thirty minutes
before any reply.
At 3 p.m. received from monument signal station:
To Elk Mountain:
You will go to the gap, and open with Bakersville and the White flag at
the foot of the Monument.
By order of, Norton, Captain.
In obedience to above, I spent from that time till 6 p.m. answering and
swinging, as I saw three or four white flags swinging in vicinity of
Bakersville, though facing too much to my right. Swung torch during the
evening without any success.
Called the Monument to report I was not able to communicate with
Bakerville; after an hour's work, gave them up.
July 11 - The morning thick and hazy. Clear at 10.30 a.m.
At 1 p.m. received from Washington Monument:
I want communication with Maryland Heights, though Boonsborough and
Lieutenant Fisher.
Nicodemus, Captain, Signal Officer.
5 p.m. - Sent from Elk Mountain:
Captain Nicodemus:
I have seen Fisher, at Crampton's Pass, and have communication open with
Maryland Heights when atmosphere permits.
E. A. Briggs, Lieutenant, Acting Signal Officer.
10 p.m. - Sent from Elk Mountain:
Captain Nicodemus:
Maryland Heights are in full view of this point, at Crampton's house. On
this range, both Maryland Heights and Monument are to be seen, and
commanding miles of the river and fords at the same time; the latter not to
be seen excepting at Dam No. 4.
E. A. Briggs, Lieutenant, Acting Signal Officer.
Through messenger, I called Monument till 12 a.m. and got no reply, and
sent it by an orderly.
July 12. - Thick and excessively smoky all day; not able to see anything.
Received by Orderly Knapp:
Lieutenant Briggs:
You will open signal station on Elk Mountain beyond Keedysville,
communicating with Maryland Heights, Crampton's Pass, Washington Monument,
and, when Downsville Station is open, with Fairview. You will report to me
through Washington Monument station, or in any way possible. My headquarters
are with the right wing. Answer all flags. You will be relieved when station
is not needed.
Nicodemus Captain, Signal officer
Sent the following at 1 p.m.:
Captain Nicodemus:
My men are in need of rations and my animals of forage. Please light a
fire at 9 p.m., that I may find your locality. In order to run this station
successfully, requires more men.
Your obedient servant,
Briggs Lieutenant, and Acting Signal Officer.
3.30 p.m.. - Heavy shower until 5.30 p.m. Worked until 12 m. Could not
get the Monument. Went to bed.
July 13. - Day rainy and thick. Cut the timber and bushes from top of
mountain, so as to command all points. Built a tower. Had calls from several
signal officers of Army of the Potomac viewing the country and Antietam
Elk Mountain,12 p. m.
Captain Nicodemus:
The weather has prevented my getting Bakerville or Downsville.
Communication to Maryland Heights is perfect. I tried to communicate with
you via the Monument yesterday without any success.
E. A. Briggs, Lieutenant, and Acting Signal Officer.
July 14 , 8 a.m.- Sent from Elk Mountain:
Captain Nicodemus:
Captain Norton orders me to Crampton's House, on this range of mountains.
I await your order.
Briggs, Lieutenant, and Acting Signal Officer.
Kept a close watch all day for flags, and till 1 a.m. July 15 for lights
near Mount Moriah or Donnellies Hill.
8.30 p.m. - Received from Fisher, at Crampton's Pass:
Captain Nicodemus:
Our troops crossed and reoccupied Harper's Ferry and Bolivar Heights. Saw
Martinsburg to-day; no movement to indicate troops there.
Herzog, Lieutenant, and Acting Signal Officer.
Called Monument one hour, and closed up, unable to forward the message.
July 15, - Smoky all morning and afternoon. Orderly brought following
Lieutenants Herzog, Rushby, Briggs, and Fisher, with parties, will report
to me at Frederick without delay
Nicodemus. Captain, Signal officer Comdg. Washington Reserve Signal
Sent same to Lieutenant Fisher without any delay, and immediately
repaired to Frederick and awaited further orders.
[O.R., XXVII, Part III, pp. 214-217.]
Drive to STOP 13.
Turn around and go back on Red Hill Road and drive 1.6 miles. Turn LEFT on WYAND STREET in KEEDYSVILLE. Drive 0.8 miles following the signs to HWY 34. Drive 2.4 miles to BOONSBORO. Turn right on Old National Park (South Main) and drive 0.6 miles. Turn LEFT into the parking lot of the BOONSBORO BIBLE CHURCH.