State Representatives
 State Representatives are to provide a point contact for The Signal Corps Association Re-enactors' and Researchers alike.
SCA- Signal Corps Association, SCARD- Research Division/Reenactors Division respectively.
 State Representitives serve as Initial Contacts for others, outside of our association, wishing
to know more about 1860's American Military Communication and Allied
Interests, which includes Signal & Telegraph Reenacting, whether
to learn more about The Signal Corps Association Research Division or Re-enactors' Division
(SCARD), State Level Detachment or to help locate "Station Locations".
They may offer additional Contact Information for SCARD's parent organization
- Signal Corps Association (1860-1865) such as, information
concerning the Signal, Telegraphic, Aeronautic and Intelligence History
of the American Civil War, and diseminate this information to the SCA.
 To the best of their abilities, State Representatives strive to know the whereabouts of any re-enacting
groups within their state boundaries and to maintain contact listings.
If provided in a timely fashion, they can also share knowledge of Up-coming
Presentations offered within the boundaries of their respective state,
noting events at which SCA/SCARD, or kindred organizations
expect to provide a Signal Corps, Telegraphic, Intelligence or general
1860's Communications Presence.
 State Reperesentatives, serve as the gate keepers and greeters for
sharing and providing an informational understanding to help guide inquirers
toward a greater historical awareness of American Milirary Communications
during the War of 1861, a.k.a. "The Late Unpleasentness."
 Each State and its corresponding representative will be provided with a contact informational web page of the SCA web site. The URL for this area is:
These pages, although maintained by SCA, are the responsibility of each representative and/or SCA associate(s) within the the state to keep updated and current with Signal related contacts, links to active state unit web pages, and event happening. These are everyones pages- state by state.
 State Representatives are a mixture of reasearchers, reenactors, and 1860-1865 communication enthusiests, who volunteer time, efforts and knowlege to the greater good of the association. In no way do they wield any powers over individuals contained within the state boundries. Their purpose is the collection/desemination of information as explained above, and the promotion of SCA as a whole.